Pacific Westline, Inc. and its employees 'invite you to join us as we celebrate life together. On this page you will read about our joys and celebrations, our challenges and triumphs, even the sadness that befalls us in times of loss.

So read on. We will update this often.

If you are a part of our extended family, have news to share, funny stories about our team members to tell, even embarrassing baby pictures that need to be seen, use our "Contact Us" page and join the fun!

PWI 25th Anniversary Celebration

This milestone doesn't come along too often in the business world, so when it does, it is cause to really throw a party and that is exactly what the gang at PWI did! 500 guests converged on The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach for what would be a very memorable event.

Attendees dressed in beach attire were treated to the aquarium's displays as well as ample food, drinks, dancing, fun and prizes. Lucky guests walked away with prizes like a surfboard, a Mexican cruise for four, Jeff Gordon racing jackets, and many more.

Special musical guests Jan and Dean with the Surf City Allstar Band treated guests to a two hour concert and dance party inside the aquarium! Even The Zima Bros. featuring PWI owner Dan MacLeith joined in with percussion accompaniment. A special treat was having Dan's 13 year old son Ian sit in on the drums when the band played "Little Old Lady From Pasadena." What a treat for both him and all in attendance. Nice job Ian!

You think we only work hard?

Just when you think you've hired the most sensible individuals to run things, you learn more about them than you need to know! Seems several of our gang enjoy the outdoors, at very high speeds! Here Junior (our Plant Manager) and Tim (our Construction Division Project Manager) take a break from a hard day of riding in the desert. They look cool at least!

Always Moving at Breakneck Speed!

The staff of PWI presented owner Dan MacLeith with a couple of unique gifts at their 25th anniversary celebration in September of 2000. First, a bottle of 1975 (when PWI began) Cabernet Sauvignon from Bealieu Vineyards which Dan will certainly enjoy, and a quick twenty trips around the track. Track you say? The California 500 Speedway track that is!

Here is Dan cruising at 165 miles per hour! When questioned afterwards if he enjoyed the forty mile joy ride Dan said..."At 300 feet per second, you don't have time to enjoy it! You're too busy avoiding death. It was awesome and a chance of a lifetime!"

PWI Garment "Wall of Fame"

From the beginning of our firm, company logo T-shirts, jackets and hats have been a staple. Worn with pride displaying our place of employment, they have taken on many designs over the years.

Some time ago, we decided to round up as many different designs from the old days as we could, frame them, then add to them with our new ones. Kind of a PWI historical display.

Here you see a portion of them on display, from the very first when we were called "Mac Cabinets". Worn and tattered, this one was donated by our founder, from the bottom of some old drawer.

With each special event for our employees, we would also commemorate it with a T-shirt. Here you see one from a river rafting trip back in 1997.

Whale Watching

On a sunny Saturday in February, 120 PWI employees, families and friends boarded a privately chartered boat on the Balboa Peninsula and headed out to sea in search of the elusive California Gray Whale. OK, so it wasn't much of a search and it wasn't so far out to sea, but it was a great time for all!

Each guest was treated to a sack lunch and plenty of sunshine. The water was on the calm side and as we motored up and down the Newport Coast, we saw a handful of Grays on their way back to Alaska.

Tom Bright with daughters Sammy and Ashley, search the horizon for water spouts, signs of the great hump to follow!

Here we see the huge beasts breaking the water with their enormous backs and fancy flutes.

Woodworking seems to run in the family!

Our owner Daniel MacLeith has four children, three of which have completed courses in Junior High School woodshop in grand style at Ralston Intermediate in Garden Grove. Eldest son Danny garnered a Certificate of Excellence for his efforts a few years ago. Number three son Ian (shown here with instructor Mr. Tran), also took home a Certificate of Excellence in the seventh grade. Dan's daughter Aubrey, a natural it seems, won the big award, a metal signifying her as the "Best in Woodshop" for that school year! Could there be more MacLeith's in Pacific Westline's future?

Old Photographs are the Best!

Just when you thought no one was looking, up pops an old friend with those embarrassing photos from your past! Here is a beaut. On the left in the white jumpsuit is one of our computer consultants TR Black way back in 1981. TR has written several programs for PWI over the years and fortunately for us no longer wears jumpsuits! On the right is our chief CPA Ginny Hankins. A very rare photo that will definitely get me in trouble for showing here.

Dave Torres

Not long ago, PWI was asked by a local theme park operator to assist them in creating a very special retail store interior. One of the "props" was a salt flat jet car that needed a rack to suspend it over our heads as we shopped in the store. While creating this unique item, seems longtime member Dave Torres tried to take the car for a spin around the shop. Fortunately, it didn't have an engine! Nice try Dave.


Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.

Pacific Westline, Inc. has in it's midst a truly unique and very giving family. Jim, Pam, Susan and Amanda Howard are a sponsor family who raise & train guide dogs for the blind.

After receiving extensive training, the Howards receive their dogs as puppies. They raise these pups, loving them as any of us would our own pets, training them for their future role that is illustrated in this photo.

Each and every day, Jim and his family work through physical and emotional challenges with their adopted family member. For up to fourteen months! Can you imagine after such a time having to give up this new found friend who has come to depend on you for love and companionship, as much as you have them.

"It is both happy and sad to see one go", says Jim, "with no greater feeling of joy when after more training and an emotional graduation and presentation ceremony, your dog finds a new owner who really needs what the dog has to give."

Pacific Westline, Inc. has become a financial partner with Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. and the Howard family in this worthy endeavor and offers its heartfelt thanks to Jim and his family for their commitment to others.

If you would like to join in this effort, dial them up at and become part of a giving family to those less fortunate then us.


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